Seat Belt Clips
Seat Belt Clips
Seat Belt Clips

Vgan Dog

Seat Belt Clips

Regular price $28.00 CAD
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S A F E T Y   F I R S T  

Help keep your fur baby safe in the car! These seat belt clips are intended to be used exclusively with a high-quality rear-clip harness and should never be attached to the collar. We do encourage you to explore all options and decide what is best for reducing the risks of car rides. The more educated you are about car safety, the more you'll be able to keep your pup safe! 

H A N D M A D E   I N   C A N A D A 🇨🇦 

Our vegan leather seat belts are waterproof, odor repellant, and stain-resistant. Not only are they soft and flexible like leather, but they’re cruelty-free. 

S E A T   B E L T   S I Z E S

  • 1" wide
  • Available lengths (without the clip*):
    • 12"
    • 16"
    • 20"
  • clip length adds between 2" & 2.5"

C L E A N I N G 

They’re super easy to clean! Gently wash with dish soap and warm water. Wipe clean and lay flat to dry. Voilà, good as new! 

C U S T O M   O R D E R

Should you need a longer seat belt, please contact us at and we'll gladly make one for you! Please note that all custom orders are FINAL SALE.